A brief introduction…

Hello from my little corner of Southeastern New England! My name is Jessica and I’m a student, wife, mother, hiker, and lover of nature and science. I live in an area rich with recreation trails and wildlife preserves, so I spend a lot of time outdoors with my family. I’m trying to teach my kids that you can always enjoy time spent outside if you’re dressed properly.

This blog probably won’t be as philosophically enlightening as aldaily.com, but I do hope to provide some worthwhile commentary on issues that are important to me, like land conservation, natural resources, and green infrastructure. It is my hope that eventually, this will be a collection of essays and diary-like entries that serve as a testament to my relationship with the ecofeminist space. And if I get to share a few fun hiking pictures along the way, well, that’s just a bonus.

See you on the trail!